torstai 18. helmikuuta 2010


Tämä pisti hymyilyttämään näin kylmänä torstaipäivänä (kopsattu -foorumilta):

Mr. Martin,

I have recently come down with mumps, a nasty cold and avian flu all at once. In addition to that, I have leg cramps, my nose has grown to eight times its normal size, and cannot breathe out unless I punch my own sternum - making sleep impossible. To make matters worse, my cat has chicken pox, my dog no longer respects me and my hamsters refuse to breed. Did I mention that my favorite NFL team is the Detroit Lions and I was run over by 3 consecutive buses yesterday?

Anyway - you probably get stories of woe all the time (although I left out lots of stuff, like the elephants that escaped from the zoo and made fun of me). However, I believe I am a special case. The doctors probably say I have between seconds and decades to live. Hang on... I'm choking on a glass of water.......... okay... better now, hopefully I can hold off my demise before I finish this email...

I was wondering, given my special circumstances and the fact that a meteor could strike me down at any moment, I think it's only fair to send me your latest manuscript for A Dance with Dragons.............

..... Sorry for the interruption... A condor just chased a deer into my condo... Anyway, I should probably go...

Your appeal touched my heart. I shipped off the manuscript of A DANCE WITH DRAGONS at once.
Unfortunately, FedEx has now informed me that the plane carrying the book to you crashed and burned.
What's worse, it was my only copy!!! Now I must start the novel all over again...

George R.R. Martin

Kannattaa vilkaista myös näitä hauskoja Tulen ja jään laulu -sarjaan liittyviä "kotisivuja" ASOIAF on the Internet:

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